Christian Lane and
Jolle Greenleaf
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Presenting concerts for soprano and organ, Christian Lane and Jolle Greenleaf transfix audiences across the country with a unique blend of repertoire spanning centuries of western music, incorporating works both new and familiar.
Whether pairing plainsong chant with the premiere performances of commissioned works or continuo arias with improvised performance art, exquisite musicianship and simple elegance always define this successful juxtaposition of mammoth pipe and translucent voice.
A “golden soprano” who is “a major force in the New York early music-scene” (New York Times), Jolle Greenleaf specializes in the music of Monteverdi, Purcell, and Bach, yet is equally comfortable performing music of our own time. As artistic director of TENET, a repertoire-driven ensemble that specializes in one-to-a-part virtuosic choral music, Ms. Greenleaf has cultivated a devoted following in New York for performances of Monteverdi’s monumental Vespers, among other notable projects.
Christian Lane, in whose hands “any instrument promises to sound glorious” (The Boston Musical Intelligencer), is winner of the 2011 triennial Canadian International Organ Competition. Currently Associate Organist at Harvard University, Mr. Lane is featured in a selection of organ solos during each concert, but takes his greatest delight in collaborating with Ms. Greenleaf, adapting each instrument, big and small, to complement and augment her shimmering soprano.
Friends and colleagues since working together at New York’s venerable Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue, Jolle and Chris look forward to future concert collaborations, and are also available for workshops and master classes, jointly or individually.

Photo by Laurel Unwin