Jens Korndörfer

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Dr. Jens Korndörfer is the Joyce O. Bowden Professor of Music and Associate Professor of Organ at Baylor University.

Acclaimed as “a virtuoso in the grand Romantic tradition” who creates “performances that are deeply musically satisfying as well as exciting” (The American Organist), he regularly performs at prestigious venues around the world.


“This [Franck & Widor in Toulouse] is one of the best compact discs I have listened to in quite a while, and I thoroughly recommend it.”
The Diapason, December 2024

“We began our season with an exceptional master class and an inspirational recital by our guest clinician and recitalist Dr. Jens Korndörfer.”
LA Pipeline, Newsletter of the Los Angeles Chapter, November 2023

“A number of organists commented that Korndörfer’s program [at the 2023 Southeast Regional Convention] was one of the best they’d ever attended.”
The American Organist, October 2023

“… a virtuoso in the grand Romantic tradition … performances that are deeply musically satisfying as well as exciting.”
The American Organist

“[His] concert thrilled the audience.”
Mixtures, May 2013

“Colorful and exciting playing … three wonderful transcriptions … stunning encore.”
ORGAN Canada, March 2013

“Jens Korndoerfer delivered a brilliant performance of French organ music … The scope of the highly impressive program was terrific …”
Nordbayerischer Kurier, January 20, 2012

“A prodigious technician, [Korndoerfer] produced audacious effects in The Offering, the last one of ‘12 Etudes for Small Organ’ by William Albright.”
La Presse, October 17, 2011


Photo by Julia Dokter